The Greatest Adventure is what Lies Ahead
by John Urquidez, Member DCP Parents
As I read through some of the most recent posts on the DCP Parents group page, they sound so familiar. The common questions are: What lies ahead? Is this going to be okay? And so on. We had the very same questions!
It dawns on me that it was one year ago that we were preparing to send our daughter off for a new adventure. We were excited and yet. at the same time, apprehensive, as was she.
The first couple weeks, I really had my doubts. There were phone calls home with lots of tears and homesickness, but she persevered. We were thus shocked when she informed us she was extending her program. Fast forward to today, and she has completed her second DCP, secured a part time position at Disney, a full time position performing in Orlando, and is exploring schools to begin her Music Education career.
What an incredible impact this program has had on her life! The confidence that has grown, really gives her daddy great comfort, that she will be just fine in this life she has chosen.
I guess my point first, is to say thank you to all the folks responsible for this group. What a wonderful resource for struggling PARENTS!
Second, for parents just beginning this journey, believe in your kids enough, to not give in to any initial doubts, until they really give it time! It can be tough, but I believe our kids gain and grow so much. It’s simply amazing.
To all, again, a heartfelt thank you, and sending wishes for the most amazing adventures and the best of everything!